Australian Defence Force

Career Coaching & Job Connections

About Us

Right Management is a global leader in Career Transition, Talent Management and Leadership Development. We help organisations attract, develop and retain their talent in a rapidly transforming business environment – enabling business and talent agility.

Right Management has more than 40 years of expertise partnering with organisations and individuals. Our Right Management team are here to work together with ADF members and their families to plan their career transition pathways, or partner employer assistance, which is all provided in collaboration with the Department of Defence.

Right Management provides a confidential and independent career coaching service delivered by a team of professional and engaging experts. Our career transition service has earned us the reputation as a world class provider, making sure you have the best coach, tools and resources available to support you through your career journey.

Career Transition 

Delivering Career Transition Support for members of the Australian Defence Force

Defence is committed to ensuring members have access to the right support, at the right time, and in November 2019 contracted Right Management as the sole national provider of professional career coaching to members of the ADF and their partners.

Defence funds the career transition related services available to members and their families as they prepare to transition from the military and working with Right Management ensures that you receive consistent, high level of support and service to meet your needs.

With more than 40 years helping people find their vocational passion and purpose, Right Management is well placed to support transitioning members of the ADF. We are ever mindful that not everyone starts their transition in the same place, nor do all individuals have the same end goals.

Our approach provides flexibility and a focus on delivering meaningful outcomes based on your specific objectives, personal situation and circumstances, in other words, we tailor our approach to the unique requirements of every individual we support.

Career Success Model

Underpinning our Career Transition approach, regardless of transition support mode,
is our Right Management Career Success Model which has proven effectiveness. 

It is a proven approach to career transition that helps you, regardless of your current role define your work goals and develop your own plan to take the next step in your career. It is completely tailored to your objectives and career goals.

Job Search Preparation Workshops

Did you know that the Australian Department of Defence Job Search Preparation (JSP) workshop is open to all Australian Defence Force members, at any time throughout their military career?

Facilitated by Right Management since 2020, we support you with both virtual and face to face workshops and work with you to explore your personal identity, what your meaning and purpose is and set you up for success with a tailored plan which addresses: 

> Personal Branding
> Strategic Job Search Action Plan
> Building Your Professional Community and Networking
> Interview Preparation
> Job Search Connection, Support and Engagement

Career Transition Coaching Modules

Career Transition Coaching (CTC) supports you with intensive specialist coaching to
help you identify your motivators, skills and career options. CTC will assist you to
develop an employment plan, develop interview skills, build a competitive resume,
learn effective job hunting skills and adjust to the civilian environment.

This coaching is modular, so your Transition Coach will work with you to build an individualised package to support your needs. Members who participate in CTC are provided with lifetime access to the online employment and training resources portal.

Career Transition Coaching offers ten modules that are tailored to individual members’ needs. We will tailor a curriculum to your needs that will include working closely with you to understand your work targets and career goals, creating a hiring plan, identifying target roles and organisations and career preferences. 

Our team will also support you in connecting you with opportunities, approaching organisations on your behalf, researching and uncovering opportunities and providing feedback and consistent communication.


Job Connections

The Job Connections team will work proactively with you to find roles in location that match your career goals, making warm introductions on your behalf.

You will work with one of our expert job connections consultants to determine your career targets and they will proactively source roles for you.

In addition to your own job search, your job connections consultant will approach companies and hiring managers to identify roles on your behalf and connect you to opportunities that match your career goals.

Senior couple meeting financial adviser for investment

Partner Employment Assistance Program

Defence recognises that the support required by the partners of serving members is varied and is particular to individual circumstance. The Defence Partner Employment Assistance Program (PEAP) provides initiatives to assist ADF partners with employment when they are relocated on posting, or if their ADF member is medically transitioning.

Right Management provides professional career management support to partners under PEAP, as Defence’s service provider. With more than 37 years of experience providing career transition and outplacement support, Right Management provides personalised, high quality programs to meet the career needs of partners.

To apply, click the button below to be directed to the PEAP website, to submit an application and select the Defence Provider Options (JSP & Job Connections). 


Happy young couple calculating bills at home

Right Management
Transition Map

Ready for your next step? Click below to view our transition map, which guides you through the first steps of your next journey. 


Right Management
Retirement Map

Are you ready for, or considering retirement and wondering where to start? Click below to access a copy of our retirement map to prepare and plan today. 

Happy family sitting on sofa and using laptop, mobile phone and digital tablet at home

ADF Member and Family Transition Guide

Need more information? Click the button below to access the 2022 Department of Defence ADF Transition Guide to learn more.

Ready To Take The Next Step?

Talk To Your Defence Transition Coach Today!